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Sunday 29 September 2024
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No, this is not a joke.  It does show once again the dangers that arise with the importation of non-native species. Far too often, with no natural predators, their populations get out of control ...
2557 Hits
My granddaughter found an interesting insect on her patio this weekend.  She is nine and loves "bugs".  She had her mother take a picture of it and send it to me so I can tell her what it is...
2539 Hits
We had a big storm blow through the Lake O' the Pines area last night. For a while, the winds were rather fierce accompanied by a drumming rain that brought a bit of hail and just a touch of thunder a...
2333 Hits
From an early age I have been fascinated with wasps.  In fact one of my early memories is of reaching out to grab a paper wasp nest.  They did not appreciate the gesture. The stings did...
2319 Hits