East Texas Naturalist Blog

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Fighting Giant Salvinia With Weevils


Earlier this year, a group of volunteers from the Cypress Basin chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists helped distribute weevils in an effort to combat the invasive giant salvinia on Caddo Lake.

Under the direction of Lee Eisenberg, 45 large plastic totes were filled with weevil-infested salvinia from the Morley Hudson Greenhouse, loaded onto several boats then transported to Willowson's Woodyard where they were released.

The empty totes were then filled with fresh salvinia to replenish the greenhouse supply where weevils continue to reproduce.

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"Bugs" and Flowers Instead of Birds

CricketFrog051416 3
CrabSpider051416 4
FlowerBugTBNL051416 5
FlowerBugTBNL051416 4
FlowerTBNL051416 1
FlowerTBNL051416 3
FlowerTBNL051416 5
GreenDarner051416 10
BlueDarner051416 2

I really had intended on taking pictures of birds at Caddo Lake today.

Kristi and I taught a photography course to some of the members of the Cypress Basin Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist.  After the classroom portion, we went out by the lake so our class could practice some of the techniques we taught.  We had Prothonotary Warblers zoom past, saw a Summer Tanager, a couple of Parula Warblers and the usual suspects in that area.  I did not manage to photograph any of those, but did enjoy seeing them.  

Kristi and one of the class members, Linda Richtsmeier, spent some time photographing dragonflies and some Cricket Frogs.  The dragonflies were quite cooperative and very plentiful.  That made it a lot of fun and I think we all got some pretty good shots.  

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