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OH! OH! That's My Favorite! NO! That one! Favorite Photos - 2017

Anhinga LA 060717 (1 of 1)
AnolisCarolinensis041617 1
BaldEagleFemale032717 1 2
BlackVulture LA 060717 (2 of 1)
BluebirdSettingSun020317 2
CarolinaChickadee121517 1
CarolinaWren121717 1
CarpenterBeeOnLantana110317 2
DiamondbackWatersnake042717 3
GreatBlueHeron092517 5
GreatBlueSkimmerDragonfly071417 1
GreaterScaup010118 10
HoneybeeOnFleabane110317 4
LoveBugs090917 6
NorthernCardinal122317 1
NorthernCardinalFemale 1
PiedBilledGrebe120317 4LUM
RedHeadedWoodpecker081017 2
RoseateSpoonbillLA 060717 (3 of 1)
SummerTanager051317 5
WhiteBreastedNuthatch120317 1
WhitePelicans012117 5

I take thousands of photos each year - really. Out of that, there is a much smaller number that I end up keeping and an even smaller number that I post for others to see. 

Like last year, I went through all the pictures I took the previous year (2017) and picked out the ones that were my favorites.  That is harder than it sounds.  

Here are my favorites for last year. Please feel free to give feedback with a comment. 

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Going From "Nice picture" to OH! My gosh! That's beautiful!"

WhiteBrestedNuthatch050816 2
Train FlowerEffectLR 2
Train FlowerEffectLR 1

For most of us self-taught photographers, there is a considerable learning curve as we begin to learn how to take "good" pictures. We normally progress a little at a time as we learn about exposure, light, composition, and increase our knowledge of behavior whether that be of people or animals, depending on our favored subject.  We progress to taking "good" pictures that others do occasionally admire. This often leads to a  plateau of competence. We continue taking "good" pictures and there is gradual, slight improvement as we learn more. But then, for some, there is a giant leap. All at once the pictures go for "good" to soaring to a whole new level. 

How fast we go through the process is highly variable with each individual and their circumstances. There are some who progress in a matter of a year or two; others take many years; and, of course, some never make the transition. 

Now, I do want to make something clear here. I am talking about self-taught photographers. Whether that means reading photography how-to books, watching YouTube videos, or just shooting and shooting pictures. There is a different curve for those who have more formal training. With formal photography education, there are certain steps that are taken and it naturally includes the factor that allows photographers to go to the next level of success.  Success being defined as taking exceptional photos. 

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Appreciating Spring Can't be Done on the Computer

AmericanRobin040417 1
AnolisCarolinensis041617 1
BaldEagle032117 1
BaldEagleFemale032717 2 2
BumbleBeeMimicRobberFly041617 2
CarolinaWren041417 2
EasternBluebird040217 1
HornedGrebe041717 8
EasternKingbird041417 2
Red belliedWoodpeckerMale031017 1
Robberfly041617 2
Scissor tailedFlycatcherMale041817 5
Spiderwort041617 2
YellowRumpedWarbler030117 2

With the arrival of Spring, even after not much of a winter, my life changes. I am not crazy about being inside all the time anyway, but with Spring, it is all I can do to spend any time inside. After all, how many Springs do we have in our lifetimes? Maybe 70 good ones (taking away a few from when we are too young to appreciate them)? When you have a bunch of Springs behind you already, you sure don't want to miss any of the ones that are left.

It has been a busy Spring for me, but I have managed to get out and enjoy it. In keeping with that thought, I am not going to spend a great deal of time typing away here. Instead, let me share some of the photos that I have taken this Spring.

 American Robin

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Taking Pictures of the Common in Uncommon Ways

WhiteBrestedNuthatch050816 2

I am big on making lists and setting goals. That really does not extend itself to New Year's Resolutions for I  basically perform the same function on no less than a monthly basis. It is sort of how frequent drinkers look at New Year's Eve. They may not go out that night for they see is as "amateur night".  Setting goals once a year, is sort of the same thing to me. 

With that said, I have been working on some goals that just happen to fall in January - near the time of New Year's Resolution time. These goals are geared towards improving my photography; in becoming a better photographer. 

Here is a list of my plans for this year. They are all goals and steps for making myself a better photographer.

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OH! OH! That's My Favorite! NO! That one! Favorite Photos - 2016

BaldEagleMother050616 2
BaskettailDragonFly051016 3
Cardinal 03 25 16 1
CardinalFemale 04 17 16 1
CarpenterBeeOnElliottsBlueberry030716 9
EasternBluebird11 29 16 1
FiveLinedSkinkFemale050316 3
GreatBlueHeronGlow111316 1
LoneStarLakeStormSunset090516 1
Mockingbird 04 19 16 1
RedHeadedWoodpecker 073116 7
Spiderwort 062316 (1 of 1)

Here are my personal favorite photos of 2016.

Bald Eagle Mother from last year's nesting pair


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