Invasive species is one of those topics that can be terrible news to some and to others be more of the same ol' story. We hear about invasive species on a very frequent basis, the most common related story over the past couple of years has been about the Burmese Pythons in the Everglades. Perhaps that story "has legs" so to speak because it involves snakes and that adds a fear factor for many people. That isn't the only story lately, for there has been much about Zebra Mussels, and, of course, in east Texas, the Giant Salvinia.
It doesn't take much looking around to find more stories about other invasive species. They really are in the news a lot lately. So much, perhaps, that we may be becoming a little immune to the impact.
Hopefully in this section, we will be able to discuss some of the issues here in east Texas with invasive species and do so in a manner helps us all understand just exactly how they impact all of us and how important it is not to get "immune" to the very serious danger they really do represent.
We will be adding more information here on a regular basis. In the meantime, check out the blogs from the site discussing invasive species. To read them, on the Menu above go to Resources -> Invasive Species -> Blogs on Invasive Species.