Michael's Rediscovery of Nature

Ramblings and observations of a former biologist and a lifelong naturalist, who has recently returned to his roots in east Texas. After a many years of working from coast to coast in an industry far removed from biology, it has been a pleasant change of geography, activity, and attitude. No stressful job decked out in a three piece suit. No city living. Instead there is a rediscovery of the woods, of something scurrying through the leaves, of the clear notes of a bird call, and of reliving the joy that I had when nature was a playground and a classroom.

OH! OH! That's My Favorite! NO! That one! Favorite Photos - 2017

I take thousands of photos each year - really. Out of that, there is a much smaller number that I end up keeping and an even smaller number that I post for others to see. 

Like last year, I went through all the pictures I took the previous year (2017) and picked out the ones that were my favorites.  That is harder than it sounds.  

Here are my favorites for last year. Please feel free to give feedback with a comment. 

Anhinga LA 060717 (1 of 1)



AnolisCarolinensis041617 1

Anolis Lizard


BaldEagleFemale032717 1 2

Bald Eagle


BlackVulture LA 060717 (2 of 1)

Black Vulture


BluebirdSettingSun020317 2

Eastern Bluebird


CarolinaChickadee121517 1

Carolina Chickadee


CarolinaWren121717 1

Carolina Wren


CarpenterBeeOnLantana110317 2

Carpenter Bee on Lantana


DiamondbackWatersnake042717 3

Diamondback Watersnake


GreatBlueHeron092517 5

Great Blue Heron


GreatBlueSkimmerDragonfly071417 1

Slaty Skimmer


GreaterScaup010118 10

Greater Scaup


HoneybeeOnFleabane110317 4

Honeybee on Fleabane


LoveBugs090917 6



NorthernCardinal122317 1

Northern Cardinal - male


NorthernCardinalFemale 1

Northern Cardinal - female


PiedBilledGrebe120317 4LUM

Pied-billed Grebe


RedHeadedWoodpecker081017 2

Red-headed Woodpecker


RoseateSpoonbillLA 060717 (3 of 1)

Roseate Spoonbill


SummerTanager051317 5

Summer Tanager


WhiteBreastedNuthatch120317 1

White-breasted Nuthatch


WhitePelicans012117 5

White Pelicans 


Looking forward to a great 2018 and LOTS more pictures. 

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